Intro: How to Make Marzipans?

Hello guys, in this instructable i volition show you my way of making Marzipans. So sit down, watch the videos, thistime english articulate, and enjoy.

Step 1: Ingredients and Materials.

To make Marzipans you will need the pursual items:

  1. Powder Milk River x 2 Cup.
  2. Pulverise Sugar x 1 Cup.
  3. Sweet Milk.
  4. Almond Flavour.
  5. Vegetable Dyes.
  6. Bowl x 1.
  7. Strainer x 1.
  8. Kitchen Jar with Measures.

Be sure to have all of these things before you start doing the Marzipans!!!

Step 2: Mixing the Powder Milk and the Powder Dough

the number 1 thing you have to do is to put 2 cups of powder milk into the bowl, then pour 1 cupful of powder gelt into the bowl, but passing it through a strainer. To get the exact amounts of gunpowder milk and lettuce use the kitchen jar with measuments. Once you have done IT, mix the whole thing with your hands or with a spoon.

Step 3: Adding the Sugary Milk to the Mix

After you have mixed the powder milk and pulverize scratch, you have to supply a littel flake of sweetened milk, it could be a half snog. When you have done information technology, with your hand begin to mix the full-length thing once again, at this point the sweet milk will begin to form a compact raft, firts it will be hard, but as you mix with the whole powder stuff the mass will become less sticky. Be carefull no to minimal brain damage to much sweetened Milk if you see the mass too hard, otherwise you could blow the mass devising it besides sticky and soft. The objective with this step is to get a compact aggregate, no more likewise sticky, and in a middle blot between steely and soft. Watch the video excessively see how i did information technology and to see the consistency of the mass at the rigth spot.

Step 4: Flavouring the Mass.

Keep mashing the mass and name sure every little piece that could be reamining on the bowl be one with your big piece of mass. Now reach a hole into the mass, grab the sweet almond flavour and ADD half operating room less of a tiny spoon. Once you done IT, keep mashing the mass to make flavour it. With the almond flavour applied to the mass will progress to it softer, and that's good. Now the great deal should have the consistency of the clay, so you can word form figures with it. Over again watch the video to take care how it is done!!

Step 5: Color in the Mass, the Final Chapter!!

Straight off that you mass is done, grab any mushroom-shaped dye, the color that you opt, Beaver State the color that you need, for example if you are passing to make lemons, you should use green, and if you wanna make bannas you use yellow. Make a hole into the mass, and add 4 to 8 drops of vegetable dyer. Squelch again the mass in order IT people of color itself, if you need more people of colour, add more vegetable dye drops. When you are satisfied with the color of your mass, you can form the figures you want. To keep down the hardness of the Marzipans, you should keep them refrigerated. Watch the video!!

Thanks for reading the instructable and watching the videos, and i hope you can make the Marzipans too!! If you have any doubt put up it on the comments and i will be happy to help you. Happy baking.

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